Well I have been dreading posting to tell you the truth. I just have so much catching up to do. So here it goes. Dallin got a whole month off in August so that was way nice. We went up to the cabin and hung out with his family for a week. We caught so many fish it wasn't even funny. I got to the point where I didn't want to catch anymore! how lame is that. Dallin, Mike, Britt, Kes, Bob and Little Jason went mountain biking. I guess it was a pretty crazy trail like straight down and tons of rocks. So hard that Dallin flipped over the handlebars 3 times! One time into a stickers bush. But he survived. Then we went to visit my family for 2 weeks. It was really fun of course the girls went shopping and the boys played golf and racquetball. Dallin hates to admit it my dad beat him haha! My sisters threw a baby shower for me. It was really fun. We also went out boating. Dallin bet my brother in law Aaron. That he couldn't get up on a wakeboard with no bindings!! It was pretty crazy when he actually did! Anyways I could go on and on about the break but this post is already to long. I am now 31 weeks!!! It really just needs to hurry up. I am wanting to wear my old clothes again and look thin haha! I am way past huge! At least that's how I feel. I have been shopping at secondhand stores (yes I am cheap but their the best) I find the cutest baby clothes and ones that have never been worn it's crazy! I decided I am doing this until my kids realize they don't want used clothes anymore! Hopefully that won't be for years. I went to this thrift store yesterday and as luck would have it I found this ottoman you can store things in. I thought I have to have this. It was really worn looking so I decided to be ambitious and recover it. So here are the before and after pictures. Oh Dallin finished his last semester of book work yay!!!! He started rotations 2 days ago. This month he is in surgery!!! The first day was awesome he got to assist in a surgery and stitch a ladies stomach back up! He had to hold the intestines, he said it was a weird experience because she was still ALIVE! They worked him all day from 9-7:30. The next day the surgeon didn't show up until like 12 so they were trying to find out where he was. Then he comes up to them expecting Dallin to have gone a visited the patients that need to be checked on. IT'S only the 2nD day!! How was he suppose to know. So they went to a clinic and did what needed to be done there. Then the Dr. said "well since you didn't go see those patients you will have to after we get done." They got done at 7:30, and he had 15 patients to see. He finally got home at 11:30 last night!! Good thing it's only a month long. 3 more weeks of this guy! Anyways that was way frustrating. Well thats our life in a nutshell! Hope all of you are doing well.