Easton was blessed on January 2nd! My family came down on Thursday night and stayed with us for New Years! We braved the crazy world of Disneyland. But it was sooo fun! Dallin and Michael decided to go on Splash Mountain again with the strollor pass, then they text Zach while they were in line that they were going to take their shirts off!! So we had to see this. It was soooo funny we couldn't believe they actually did! We tried buying the picture but they wouldn't sell it to us cause they are suppose to keep there clothes on. Well it was funny to watch. Zach got an ok pic of it I'll have to put up later. It was a fun day. Eastons blessing day was so nice Dallin did a good job. Here are the pictures I made his outfit it was a little big but oh well he looked cute anyway. For Christmas we went to his sisters house 20 mins. away it was fun to kind of be home for Christmas!! We went to the beach it was soooo fun, perfect weather. Dallin got a air-soft gun for Christmas so him and his brothers had fun shooting at each other all day. I got some cookbooks I have been wanting soo excited to use! Easton gave us a whole night of sleep for Christmas and the few days before too. That was definitely needed. I loved seeing both families this year. We miss them already!