Well I don't know where to start, there has been so much going on. First off, Dallin has been doing great with his rotations. Now he is in Internal Medicine, it's basically working with old people yay! NOT! But he does has great hours! We took some pictures of Easton the other day out in the sunshine he is such a happy smiley boy we can't help but smile with him. I also took his 3 month picture, I can't believe he is already 3 months. Then next we went to this really nice restaurant called Spaghettini Grill and Lounge. It's in Seal Beach. They had a live Jazz band it was so much fun. It made me absolutely love Jazz music. Easton had fun too we got front row seats to it with dinner. Dallin got pasta of course and I got Sea Bass it was amazing but of course it doesn't look as good as in real life. I was trying to take a picture of the sign of the restaurant but I accidentally got this guy haha. Everytime I see this picture I can't help but laugh!! Next Jared and Danielle's family came to visit we had so much fun. We went to Santa Monica Pier one day it was beautiful warm and sunny! It went by way to fast. Easton absolutely loved Brooklyn, she was such a big help I can't believe how old she acts (reminds me of her mom!) We also went to the Fashion District in LA, definitely an experience;). I miss them already. Dallin's brother is getting married in April up in Rexburg so I will stop and see them in a couple of months. So on another note, Easton is getting sooo big he now rolls over all the time. But now we have run into a problem, since he has learned his new trick I can't get him to stay on his stomach to sleep. Any suggestions?? I have tried just letting him cry that only works for so long,he rolled over to his back then cried for an hour, fell asleep then an hour later woke up. Then I tried putting rolled up blankets on the sides so he couldn't move well he just scoots himself to the edge of the crib and rolls over. Let's just say its been a long week! But he is still the best part of our lives. We love him to death and I'm ok staying up with him as long as it's only a stage here's to crossing my fingers! Well I think I'm caught up now sorry for the long post. Oh well since today is Valentine's day let me tell you what we did. It was my turn this year to plan so I made Dallin an amazing dinner if I do say so myself. Rack of lamb with green beans and fingerling potatoes. For dessert chocolate lava cake. It was fun to make then we ended the night watching "Life As We Know It" it was a pretty good night. Thanks for being my Valentine I love you Dallin!