Ok so we are finally here! It's taken a while to finally get moved in. It's nice here we like it the people are really nice here. It is definately different here without our friends and family. But we are getting used to it and trying to take it one day at a time. Dallin starts school on Friday! So that is exciting we made him a little office in our spare bedroom to study so he is pretty excited to finally start and to finish haha! The ward is nice here small but really nice. Lets just say there is alot of room for missionary work. Anyways here are some pics I couldn't get the welcome to alabama sign cause I missed it on the way here and also New Mexico and Texas but thats ok so anyways here are some pics of the apartment. Oh and I think there is one of our puppy that we had for a little over a 24 hrs haha! hope all is well with everything! We miss everyone!
Looks fun Dest! Your place looks nice and big. We are so happy that you are 'close' to us! It will be nice to be able to drive and visit family on a break. Tell Dal good luck with school, he's gonna love it! Take care. Come visit soon!
Yay! Your puppy is so cute! I still can't believe Dallin let you get one! Let me know when you get a name! Miss you guys :(
Hey there! Congrats on your new move and puppy! We wish we still had one! Guess what! Isaac is going to be a big brother! Hope you're good. Love you guys!
Awww! You got a puppy!!! It's cute! I'm glad you are liking your new home. I hope you enjoy the South while you're there! Where in Alabama are you living? Are you close to the TN line? If you are, we might have to drive down and see you next time we are home. Take care Destiny! I miss you tons.
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