Ok it's been a while. (like it always is when I post) We had a great thanksgiving break! We went to Dallins parents friends house for dinner. It was good just not very relaxing when you're at someone elses house but it was good food. Then we went to Dallins sisters house the next day. Braved the early morning shopping with Jen. We didn't go to Walmart but the one we usually go to, we found out a fight broke out and they closed it down for a little bit (the things people will do for a sale amazes me). Then Dallins brother came from Vegas to hangout, that was fun we went shopping and lunch and more shopping haha! I took some family pictures they were cute but it's hard to do them inside at night with the flash off. I hoped some of them turned out the lighting was hard. Anyways it was fun. Here some pictures from recently. You probably don't remember what we look like haha! Dallin is doing great in school just getting through. I got a job working for a young couple in our ward. They have a vinyl printing business its growing so much they needed help so its fun! It was a major blessing.
Long Overdue Update
Well Dallin is doing great it school! I went to beauty school for 2 days it was kind of a sham. There was no teacher and only me and another girl in the program so I decided not to continue. Sad I know. :( So back to job hunting I'm hoping to have better luck this time. I have a calling I am 1st counselor in the Young Womens program. It's crazy cause it wasn't that long ago I was in there. But it is really fun I love it. They're great girls and I have had so much fun getting to know them. It does make me miss my young women leaders they were so great. Dallin and I have to give a talk on Sunday his topic is Elder Holland's amazing talk. I don't know how you can add much to that but it awesome. And I guess the "School of Theology" has to visit 25 different religions and learn about them so guess when they're all coming of course the day we speak so that will be a neat and scary experience. Dallins talk will be great. My topic is Enduring to the End so hopefully I have enough to say to fill 20 min. YIKES!! Oh I have been keeping myself busy by making these baby booties I have an etsy shop it let me know what you think. Anyways hope all is well.
Picture Your Destiny Photography
Ok so the black and white button to the left is my photo blog and I just got it pretty much done. The links still dont match up with the pictures yet. Let me know what you think.
Hey, ok its been a while since I last posted. Well lets see nothing much has happened! lol! Dallin has been busy with school, but has been doing so well! I'm excited for him. He studies hard and its paying off! So me well I have been looking for jobs but have had no luck. So I decided to go back to school ( BEAUTY SCHOOl) I start October 6th and am very excited! We are having a good time in California and like our ward. We haven't gotten any callings but its ok. Thats all the new we have. Hope you all are doing well!
Ok so alot has happened and its been a while. We have moved out of Alabama and that was a hard decision in and of its self. The school wasn't what we thought it would be. We are in Pomona now going to school at Western University. Dallin got to take a break for a couple of weeks before school started. We went and saw my family, it was short but it was really fun and good to see them. Then we went to the cabin with Dallins family again it was short but fun! I have pics with Dallins family but I forgot to take pics when we were with mine. Anyways we totally miss Alabama but know that this was the right thing to do. I know we went to Mobile for a reason, I just haven't figured out why yet! So here we are enjoying California a little homesick for Rexburg. Trying to make the best of it! Living until Christmas then I can go see my family and friends from Rexburg!

Updated photo blog
Hey I just updated my photo blog. Check it out! Mike and Britt surprise visited us! It was way fun!
Baton Rouge

So we drove 3 hrs to go to the temple in Baton Rouge, LA it was a beautiful drive! Dallin slept most the way there and I drove there and pretty much back to haha! Oh well he studies so I guess I'll give that to him. So the temple is tiny! It reminds me of the Reno temple. Then after we went to Bass Pro Shop. Never thought I could have fun in that place but it is huge!!! We shot targets and took pics! Well we are learning to love it here and it has been fun to go on this adventure!
Photography Start-up
Ok so if you know anyone in Alabama, Mobile area that needs pictures taken let me know. Oh wait nobody who looks at this would haha! Well I finally finished it. Here is the website its on the right after the about me column. Hope you enjoy its not much yet!
Lately in our sweet home BAMA!

Ok so it's about time to update this thing. We are doing great! Finally starting to love Bama (never thought that would happen haha). So I went home a couple of weeks ago and saw my family for my sister Lindsays wedding. It was alot of fun I only have a few pictures of it but I have alot of my neice and nephew I will put up when I get them from Danielle. Anyways Lindsay look beautiful. And her husband Aaron is a great guy. They are perfect for each other. He is hilarious and I think Dal and him will get along. So that was fun Dallin is doing well in school. At first it was really hard and he called me and wanted to find something else to do. But after this last test he got 85% so that is awesome! He thinks he can manage. Everyone tells him this first semester is the hardest. So that helps! He is amazing for working so hard and I know we wouldn't be able to do it without all the prayers on our behalf so thank you. The ward is great. They are so welcoming and I am the enrichment leader and Dal is the 1st counselor in the Elders Qourum. So we are having a good time. I haven't been able to find a job though but thats ok just trying to stay positive. We miss everyone and are finally convinced to slow down and enjoy our life right now because we rushed through college and we totally miss it so I guess the only thing you can do is enjoy the moment. Here are afew pics.
First day of the LAB!

Ok so I got alittle carried away with the pictures but who cares it's not like I have anything else to do haha! I had to take pictures of his first day in lab here he is! And his friend Toby he is married and his wife is looking for a job too! So hopefully we can become good friends. Oh and we are doing great! Life is good! I'm ready to find a job though. Well anyway hope everyone is doing great!

Ok so we are finally here! It's taken a while to finally get moved in. It's nice here we like it the people are really nice here. It is definately different here without our friends and family. But we are getting used to it and trying to take it one day at a time. Dallin starts school on Friday! So that is exciting we made him a little office in our spare bedroom to study so he is pretty excited to finally start and to finish haha! The ward is nice here small but really nice. Lets just say there is alot of room for missionary work. Anyways here are some pics I couldn't get the welcome to alabama sign cause I missed it on the way here and also New Mexico and Texas but thats ok so anyways here are some pics of the apartment. Oh and I think there is one of our puppy that we had for a little over a 24 hrs haha! hope all is well with everything! We miss everyone!
Ok so we are leaving tomorrow morning. Way crazy! It's gone by to fast. We are so excited alittle scared and ready for an adventure! We will be probably driving for 3 days so if anyone wants to call us feel free! We will be doing nothing but drivin on the open road. It's sad at the same time to leave Dals parents and we have grown fond of this ward we are in. But thats ok!
OK so I can't believe it but we were checking our email and Dallin got a LETTER from Pomona,CA all this time we were waiting for it in the mail but what a surprise Dallin got excepted to Western University. Oh but it gets better, so a couple of days later (Today) he was checking his phone messages and he got one from Alabama telling him he had come up on the list to be accepted. So instead of begging to get in we now have choices, I don't know which is better jk. But it will be tough deciding. So we are very excited! I just you would like to know what we were up to.
Dallins Birthday!
Yesterday was Dal's birthday and we went to the temple it was a great experience. It was one of those times that was just really good. Then we went to lunch got home and Dallin got a phone call to run to his basketball game or else they would forfeit. So we went it was an interesting game lets just say. They didn't win but the other team should have got alot of technicals and their moms hahaha! But that's ok its only church ball but you know how that is (very intense). Then we came home I made Dallin a birthday ice cream cake it was fun to make and he liked it alot. Then we went to a ward dance they were having it was really actually fun they had a live band they were pretty good too! It was a fun day! Here are some pictures of yesterday and some of our new car just for mike haha!
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